Wednesday, August 30, 2006

DsLink 180u in Any Linux

(Translated with Google translator)
This is a tutorial one for who has the DsLink180u modem usb that doesn't have a good support for linux… This tutorial functions most surely woth those linux distriutions:
Ubuntu (all - > Dapper, Hoary and Breezy)
First, deactivate the connection eth0 if you have one… (this step is not very necessary, therefore later when we execute pppoeconf it will deactivate this connection). First, be certain to have following package installed in your system: build-essential
Next, we will download eciadsl (program to synchronize the modem) and rp-pppoe (program to dial the ADSL connection): Eciadsl necessary (the version nortek alpha is the only one whose functioning is guaranteed): ECIADSL-NORTEK e bins of synchronization that we will also use: SYNCH-BINS (gs7470_06_synch_bin is the one that functions) e we will also lower the version of rp-pppoe whose functioning is guaranteed: RP-PPPOE finished downloads, we now go to start the stage of installation. We go to separate it in and steps:
First, we go to install rp-pppoe it takes off the archives of nome.tar.gz and later it opens a terminal. nomeDoDiretóriDoRP-pppoe types compact disc already inside of the directory it gives the sudo command “./go-gui” to start the compilation and installation of the program. after installed, we go to install the ECIADSL-NORTEK-ALPHA it makes extration procedure the same and it enters in the directory with the command “compact disc nomeDoDiretórioDoEciadsl” inside of the directory, it types the command “sudo ./configure” after compiled, it types the command “sudo make” e later “sudo make install”, soon. They are installed rp-pppoe and eciadsl in its PC. Now… we go to configure both programs.
it opens a terminal and it types “sudo eciadsl-config-tk” in VCI and the VPI, depending on the state and its connection they move, but normally he is 8 and 35 (default) or 0 and 35, in mine in case that, for example, he is 0 and 35, therefore I live in SC, but who deferred payment in the 35 Rio Grande Do Sul is 8 and… most easy it is to bind its operator and to discover… the username and password can be without nothing… are not necessary, therefore rp-pppoe is that it will go to make this work for us. In the MODEM: choice “OTHER” choice “GS7470” (chip of the modem) the VID1 and the VID2 are both “1690” the PID1 and the PID2 are both “0212” (these two numbers can be verified with the command “sudo eciadsl-probe-device”) alt synch is “0” alt pppoeci is “4”
and qualifies option DHCP
now in CHANGE BYN SYNCH FILE, I will choose the directory where you it unpacked (it unpacks if not yet it made it) eciadsl_synch_bins that we lower previously and I will choose synch_bin_06 of gs7470.
One detail left for eciadsl now: We need to make a module for the modem, but if it does not worry, this is easy. it types in the terminal: “sudo mkdir /dev/net”, if it to say something it to it type “directory already exists”,
then types the following one: “sudo rm /dev/net/tun” continuing…
"sudo mknod /dev/net/tun0 c 10 200"
types “sudo” being this the module that we wanted to make, now is alone to finish with the “sudo ln - s /dev/net/tun0 /dev/net/tun” and the last sudo command
“modprobe tun”. Soon! We are ready to synchronize… It connects its modem in the PC and types in a terminal:
“sudo eciadsl-start”, now it will start the sincronization. Most certainly everything will be fine. In case that it does not give, see if you did not jump or typed something wrong in some part of the FAQ.
With the synchronized modem, we are almost in the end. it types ifconfig in the terminal. If to appear tap0 in the modules, then gave certain. Contrary case tries of new.

3) CONNECTING ITSELF now, it types " sudo pppoeconf tap0 “If it to give some error, verifies if eth0 is not activated and it disactivates it and it tries again. it will go to make it a series of questions. He puts yes for all the first ones, and later it he will ask to its username and password to it of the connection. When it to ask to it “Of it you want the connection you be triggered at boot teams” he says that not. Later he answers yes and ready. Now you must be connected with the Internet. Case it gives an acknowledgment of this type: “option unrecognized NIC-tap0 on /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider” then makes the following one: gedit types " sudo endereçoQueEleFala (former: etc/to ppp/peers/dsl-provider). Vai to appear some lines, does not move in nothing. It observes if it has a line with following command “nic-tap0” we go to only change for “tap0”. It saves the archive. later pon types " sudo to dsl-provider” in the terminal. E finally must have given certain: p.

Ps:. All time that to restart the computer you will have that to synchronize the modem again (“sudo eciadsl-start”) and therefore script for such is interesting to create one (next post).

To connect itself, it types “sudo pon dsl-provider” and to become detached itself it types “sudo poff -a”. To verify the connection type “plog”.
Sorry for the bad english, this was straightly translated with google translating tools.I'll give it some "good english" when I have more free time.Thanks and Sorry!

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